Informasjon for bortesupportere til Sävehov-kampen
IK Sävehof informerer om at de kommer til å selge billetter som normalt til kampen mot Vipers Kristiansand førstkommende søndag 09.01.22. For å komme i Sverige kreves det BÅDE koronapass og negativ koronatest som må taes senest 48 timer før innreise. Det er IKKE mulig å ta koronatest på grenseovergangene.
For å kjøpe billetter besøker du følgende lenke:
The test can not be older than 48 hours. The test results need to verify that the traveler do not have an ongoing covid-19 infection. According to the The Public Health Agency of Sweden, this can be done with a negative PCR, LAMP, TMA or antigen test. The documentation should be originally in Swedish, English, Norwegian, Danish or French (translations are not accepted), and contain the following:
– Your name and birthdate
-Date and time the test was taken
-Disease or infectious agent, covid 19 (SARS-CoV-2 or one of its subtypes)
-Type of test (PCR, LAMP, TMA or antigen)
-Test result
-Who issued the certificate
-Name and address to the issuer of the certificate, or to the laboratory that conducted the testPlease note that the test needs to be taken before departure, it is not possible to get tested upon arrival at the border to Sweden.